The Star Chamber and its, not ours, Residential Areas Committee Reports
yes no recent posts...this post will be written and as with many others in the past updated...let me comment on the use of the word FAGGOT against me and Ryan by a Board Director. Yes, I will comment on this when encountering the homophobe. At this time, many are being told of this in the Gay community here in the Philippines. I was also told to leave and that Ryan who is Filipino is just like me and he can go too. The hatred and possible injury to us has started. Another Board member attempted to attack me and was stopped by security. I had to be escorted by security to my unit. This is the second time he has attempted assault.
"Christians are to not only to "have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but (also) reprove them" (Eph. 5:11). Those who do nothing about sin and evil, help the sin and evil to prevail. One who is silent when there are those around him in sin becomes a partaker with them (Eph. 5:7).
"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)"
Further to these quotes provided by a Unit Owner, let me remind everyone that the word racha in Matthew 5:22 was finally and fully translated in the last century. It was spoken by Jesus at Sermon on the Mount and specifically told the people not to say against the gays. So we have a member of the Board I see linked with a religious group and nuns at her facebook account speaking like a member of the Ku Klux Klan or Aryan Nation in the US. This is what Ryan and I have been attacked by at Soho Central. Those in the Resident's Lounge at the Board meeting said nothing to her to stop when these remarks were made.
If I am attacked and not able to carry on the work for Unit Owners, I ask Unit Owners to carry on. The climate is changing but will take a struggle.
I shall start with a last page and a quote:
... "some factions would want us gone from the position." ... "To the rest, we simply ask for your cooperation, as we promise to give ours, when we step down from this position and transfer the problems and inconveniences to the rest of you." ... "We assure you that we will step down when our term expires this August."
Will this take place? Term? There were no elections but appointments to a Board that has had no elections. The history of this has been written in previous posts.
The first page below starts off with the salutation "To all Residents/Unit Owners". The Board and its committees whether elected or as is the case unelected represent the Unit Owners who are members of the Soho Central Condominium Corporation. The appropriate addressing of the letter needs to respect this starting and ending the salutation with To all Unit Owners.
"Part of the commitment of service" to the Unit Owners needs to also include openness.
What does "CPMI also charges 40% on the salaries oftheir people assigned to SCCC for certain personnel employment costs." mean?
The section titled "On Financial Matters" begins with the arrangement Soho Central Condominium Corporation has with Century Properties Management Inc. We have asked for copies of all contracts and policies which includes this entity servicing the building. This letters as other had not been answered. Title IV Section 44 of the Corporate Code requires a vote for the management contract. Has any taken place by a meeting called for this vote by "at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members in the case of a non-stock corporation"?
Was the Board legally allowed to place money in time deposits? Title IV Section 42 of the Corporate Code requires a vote for investments. Has any taken place by a meeting called for this vote "by at least two thirds (2/3) of the members in the case of non-stock
corporations, at a stockholder's or member's meeting duly called for the
Income placed in separate account "will be expended only for the benefit of all unit owners." What are we to assume will be the use of the other account if not for the benefit of all Unit Owners?
A new external auditor was appointed. When were they approved? Where are the Minutes and Resolution of the Board meeting? Why was the new auditor necessary? What other auditors were up for possible contracts? What were the bids? How much is being paid versus our past auditor? One meager sentence is not enough information. Where is a copy of the contract? Where is a copy of the contract for the previous auditor? We had among 17 letters delivered last November and early December a request for copies of all such contracts and policies. No reply for these, too.

The elevator schedule would save electricity, but I see it more as a cover for the disaster these elevators have been since turnover. Dog and Pony Shows never seem to end along with all the clever disarming remarks. This schedule also needs to be adjusted due to serious length of wait times with elevators packed and little fresh air due to fans that either do not work or are useless. If these elevators stop between floors as they have with a large number of people, potential health emergencies may ensue. I am going to tell the insurance companies not only about the flammable liquid allowed into the building but for them to examine the building as a whole.
I was asked to place in bold "FIX THE ELEVATORS NOW!"
Is the limited elevator schedule incompliance with any and all city or national laws? Consultation would have also been appreciated at open meetings with members of the Soho Central Condominium Corporation who are the Unit Owners.
"Mirrors have been installed inside the elevators to give the small area depth and an illusion of spaciousness." More illusion is not what the condominium industry needs. It has more than enough of that already.
Another study! Just what we need. Of course, a proper final study is just what is needed given the complete failure to finally finish the installation of the elevators. Make no mistake; the elevators are not being refurbished, rehabilitated, renovated, reconditioned, etc. They have been in a continual state of installation since the time and prior to turnover. This is disgusting.
"We are breathing down on PMO?" Please, we have enough hot filling empty balloons. What has been needed are open meetings with Unit Owners taking part in the building's affairs. This would also include such things as a binder with all memos and a bulletin board with memos clipped to be a part of education for all residents.
Wet and Dry and not sufficient labels as Unit Owners have stated as we discuss issues with those we know and others at random.
The gym area has a new water fountain with a Resolution. When will Unit Owners have their right to see and obtain copies of all Minutes and Resolutions?
"For sometime now, the perimeter guard at times carries a long arm gun instead of just a pistol in accordance with the instruction of the RAC as a psychological deterrent to any violent or lawless tendencies from some forces." Well such a psychological deterrent is no longer a deterrent when it is revealed that it is a psychological deterrent. Define "some forces." I have stood for many hours at night outside and have not seen the roving criminals. What I have seen are to many guards in the lobby area until I show up and then a few scramble to do the work that needs tending to which cannot be accomplished in the lobby.
The CCTV cameras have not saved money since we still have too many guards. What was the purpose of the cameras. I was also told the following so please make any corrections. The company contracted without witness of discussion of such taking place in front of Unit Owners at open meetings then subcontracted with another company and then they obtained the services of the company doing the installation. If anyone wants to know what makes this really silly, please have me talk at the Annual Meeting or with anyone personally to let you know who the final company is.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have discussed this previously; it is time for guards to have women and the front desk to have men, too.
I have discussed the mailboxes elsewhere in the blog. The lobby looks awful and why prefabricated were not obtained is a question. Of course, with all the secret and private meetings one never knows why anything is done the way it is done.
What is the status of the bulletin boards and their use? This was another curious situation given what took place in the past here and when compared to other buildings with more proper attention to the needs of Unit Owners.
The paragraph below only reminds me of something I was told by a Unit Owner at SOMA. I am writing some of the comments at this post just before the Annual Meeting. I have not heard if the construction plan was obtained. If the city is not willing to provide information as required under the law, then a step to higher government agencies is needed for an order. The owner at SOMA had approached the city there for a copy of the file or at least to inspect it. He was more than willing to pay for copies. They told him to come back in three days. Do I need to tell anyone what happened to the entire file of SOMA?
"We have requested a copy of the construction plan (not the building plan) of SCC from MDGI (Meridien Development Group, Inc. but they seem to be sleeping on our request. We've also instructed PMO to secure a copy from the City Engineer's office but likewise to no avail. Perhaps one of you have a contact at the City Engineer's office who can expedite solution of this issue. We will welcome assistance from anyone of you."
"SCCC is absorbing the 12% VAT imposed by the BIR on all condominium dues and receipts." Talaga! Where does Soho Central Condominium Corporation (SCCC) get its money in the bank account? Does it not come from the members of the SCCC? Unit Owners. "This has reduced our operating funds." No kidding. And what impression is trying to be created by the first sentence?
"We would like to reiterate that it is our policy to have at least 3 proposals before we expend money for any purchases." What does this sentence have to do with the rest of the paragraph?

"Unlike in other condominiums, we have absorbed the VAT imposed on all dues and receipts of SCC and not collected them separately from you, unit owners." This NONSENSE is written here for the second time and will be repeated in the future. Who is "we?" Where does the money in the bank account of Soho Central Condominium Corporation (SCCC) come from? Everyone, please answer these questions and read their sentence once again. It is we the Unit Owners who put money, our dues money, in the bank which is paying the VAT. So while not directly or "separately" as they write we do in fact pay the VAT. BUT, the VAT is now an unfair burden on many since not everyone pays the same dues but those paying less are subsidizing those that pay more. Is this some form of socialism imposed upon the members, Unit Owners, of the SCCC?
They write: "We also would like to point out that although we were "unelected" as some quarters love to persistently point out, we were legally and validly constituted in accordance with the Corporation Code and the By-laws and Master Deed of SCCC." I challenge the legality of all sitting members of the Board in accordance with the following section of the Corporate Code - .