UPDATE (12.14.12 @ 3:51PM) - Once again the elevators are acting up and CPMI, Unit Owner and Developer Board Directors are no where to be seen. There are too many problems in the building for them not to take an active role.
UPDATE (12.16.12) - While the elevators were operating as opposed to working yesterday (12.15.12), we did not see anyone here trying to fix the elevators. I asked guard about engineering calling for service and he came back to tell me that whoever could went home. I think it is time for the three Unit Owners appointed to the Board by the developers to do something and not just sit in their units. While the problem was not as serious as the previous two days, the time to wait was long and at times guards were on the elevators manually controlling them. It is long past the time for Unit Owner control of the building.
Otis Elevators
(original web post 12/13/12): Yes, this has been written many times before on this forum and been the topic over and over again. In another recent letter, it is brought up again since we are given little information with our money decided upon behind closed doors.
The letter below is another attempt to find out the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Is such a thing possible in Soho Central Condominium Corporation?
Just this evening another serious malfunction of the elevators that are operating took place when they shut down leaving people trapped in two of the four that are working. Well, they have not worked since turnover and last April's Minutes with "common" property transferred is infuriating. All done without Unit Owner knowledge. This disgustingly filthy situation must come to an end!
Each person needs to file a complaint with the local government and ask that the elevators be inspected.
I handed out my card with the instructions on getting to this forum quickly. I ask all that need assistance with this forum and other SCCC matters to talk and we can meet off the premises since many have fear for themsleves and property. Yes, even a current Board Director once asked to meet with me but off the premises. I wonder what that was all about.
Click here for a .pdf of the letter.

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