Plan, plan and plan some more

QUESTION: Is Stonewall Central a better name for the property?
UPDATE (click): 2012 Audited Financial Statements
UPDATE (click): 2013 Annual Meeting packet
UPDATE (click): 2013 Special Meeting packet

AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ANALYSIS 2009-2012 (click): A CPA analysis of SOHO Central Condominium Corporation's Audited Financial Statements

The Fantasy Vision

Does everyone remember this among the wonderful ads and brochures and how about the salespeople and what they told us. I hear such fantasies continue. So after watching and remembering, cry and then laugh at the truth that is being exposed.

And, if the above is not enough and you need elevated blood pressure, here is the project's brochure.

Many posts are still issues and need to be read once again. At this main hub of postings watch for new posts and updates. Please get involved by spreading the word as to the issues here. We must document all that is taking place. Many documents need retrieval and assistance is needed in getting them scanned and posted.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Dangerous Liquids

UPDATE (05.07.13):  I was just told this afternoon that the Property Manager was not made aware of the situation.  Of course, not all events are going to be told to the Property Manager.  BUT, such an event is reportable.  I sought the head of security and then when returning to the building was told he was then with the Property Manager.  I assume a full report is now being made.  Assume?  Will those that allowed the instrument to be brought into the building be questioned?  What action will take place?  So many secrets and secret meetings and secret decisions with OUR MONEY.
UPDATE (05.02.13):  I was told yesterday that the excuse now is that the instrument was being held in the lobby at the concierge desk.  Oh, given the recent RAC report the front desk as they refer to it is now what may be called the back-off desk.  Anyway, no full explanation or proof has been given for where it was being held or stored.  The video cameras in the lobby may give evidence but have not been shown.  No matter, the instrument should not have been in any part of the residential area of the building much less commercial.  I will still report the incident.

Dangerous Liquids

Last night (04.27.13) around midnight on my own personal watch still seeking those vast criminals the Board and their Residential Areas Committee have determined are out there somewhere requiring the Big Gun, I saw something very interesting.  No, not criminals but let me write an instrument leaving the building.  I do not want to focus on the resident(s) be they Unit Owners or tenants at this point so I use the word instrument as a general term.

This instrument for its purpose contains a very flammable liquid.  It came from the lobby doors out to the front and down the stairs.

My question is who from Century Properties Management Inc or the security force which is under their immediate command structure of the corporation let the instrument into the building's residential areas?

I have been told by another Unit Owner to report it to the insurance companies.  I will.  What other serious substances were permitted into the building?

from the Rules & Regulations of the Soho Central Condominium:

2.2  Please do not bring into your unit or into the building(s) any of the following: a) flammable, hazardous, combustible or explosive fluids, materials, chemicals or substances; b) other dangerous objects or articles which SCCC may reasonably prohibit or which may increase the rate of insurance of the building(s).

Doing so will make you liable for all damages which such violation may cause to the building(s), other units, to your fellow unit owners, occupants and/or tenants, and to any increase in the insurance that may result from such acts.

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