Plan, plan and plan some more

QUESTION: Is Stonewall Central a better name for the property?
UPDATE (click): 2012 Audited Financial Statements
UPDATE (click): 2013 Annual Meeting packet
UPDATE (click): 2013 Special Meeting packet

AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ANALYSIS 2009-2012 (click): A CPA analysis of SOHO Central Condominium Corporation's Audited Financial Statements

The Fantasy Vision

Does everyone remember this among the wonderful ads and brochures and how about the salespeople and what they told us. I hear such fantasies continue. So after watching and remembering, cry and then laugh at the truth that is being exposed.

And, if the above is not enough and you need elevated blood pressure, here is the project's brochure.

Many posts are still issues and need to be read once again. At this main hub of postings watch for new posts and updates. Please get involved by spreading the word as to the issues here. We must document all that is taking place. Many documents need retrieval and assistance is needed in getting them scanned and posted.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A Fiction

A Fiction

I had heard someone talk about the "Steering Committee" and RAC (Residential Areas Committee) in the same breath and had to stop and make very clear what was wrong in the "RAC 2nd Quarter Report."

The following is from the initial paragraph under the heading of Elevators:

"This is a long story that started from the time of occupancy of our units when the elevators were used on a regular basis. Over the years, the RAC (and its predecessor group called "Steering Committee") had had several meetings with MDGI, the Otis people, CPMI and even with the Soho Central Condo Board. The RAC was formally constituted in November 2012 and one of its earliest acts was to make a formal demand on MDGI to repair the elevators..."

Of course, the first sentence is obvious since the elevators would be in regular use once the building was occupied and would continue to be used regularly unless they were all shut down.  Well, some are and others have been shut down with the continuing disaster.

But, starting with the second sentence it should be clear that the "Steering Committee" to my knowledge was not organized as a legal entity.  From what I was told there was a group of Unit Owners who met at the time of turnover when in the building and they created this group.  I was also told that most who were voted to lead the group left their positions since they were leaving the country or for other reasons.  I was also told only one person had remained in this group from the beginning.

The RAC is mentioned in the Master Deed and the By-Laws of the Soho Central Condominium Corporation (SCCC).  But, a "Steering Committee" is not mentioned.  Calling it a "predecessor" would imply some sort of legal connection.  If so, what would that be?

It should also be noted that various Unit Owners reached out to various entities over time concerning the elevators as we are once again doing since the repair job is awful.  The elevators have been in a perpetual state of installation and their finally being installed completely and properly must be done. 

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