Plan, plan and plan some more

QUESTION: Is Stonewall Central a better name for the property?
UPDATE (click): 2012 Audited Financial Statements
UPDATE (click): 2013 Annual Meeting packet
UPDATE (click): 2013 Special Meeting packet

AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ANALYSIS 2009-2012 (click): A CPA analysis of SOHO Central Condominium Corporation's Audited Financial Statements

The Fantasy Vision

Does everyone remember this among the wonderful ads and brochures and how about the salespeople and what they told us. I hear such fantasies continue. So after watching and remembering, cry and then laugh at the truth that is being exposed.

And, if the above is not enough and you need elevated blood pressure, here is the project's brochure.

Many posts are still issues and need to be read once again. At this main hub of postings watch for new posts and updates. Please get involved by spreading the word as to the issues here. We must document all that is taking place. Many documents need retrieval and assistance is needed in getting them scanned and posted.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Cigarette Butts

Cigarette Butts

This and all the other garbage thrown off balconies is an old story we have talked and written about with other Unit Owners.  Of course, the worst case are the balconies of the 4th floor Mayflower Tower which are quite large and useless due to the falling debris.  This and other writings have been posted as well as photos.

We have a rule after we had packaged and delivered the garbage from the balcony, whatever lands is thrown out immediately.  Yes, there have been items dropped on to the balcony that may have been wanted but they became immediate garbage since we are sick of this endless situation.

All that may be said of this issue begins and ends with the managing of the building.  If the managing were done correctly which has never taken place, there would be fliers and memos educating Unit Owners and residents from the start.  But, this has never taken place.  There are other issues this would be appropriate for but why do anything that makes sense.

This post is made due to a recent memo acting after the fact as usual.

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