Plan, plan and plan some more

QUESTION: Is Stonewall Central a better name for the property?
UPDATE (click): 2012 Audited Financial Statements
UPDATE (click): 2013 Annual Meeting packet
UPDATE (click): 2013 Special Meeting packet

AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ANALYSIS 2009-2012 (click): A CPA analysis of SOHO Central Condominium Corporation's Audited Financial Statements

The Fantasy Vision

Does everyone remember this among the wonderful ads and brochures and how about the salespeople and what they told us. I hear such fantasies continue. So after watching and remembering, cry and then laugh at the truth that is being exposed.

And, if the above is not enough and you need elevated blood pressure, here is the project's brochure.

Many posts are still issues and need to be read once again. At this main hub of postings watch for new posts and updates. Please get involved by spreading the word as to the issues here. We must document all that is taking place. Many documents need retrieval and assistance is needed in getting them scanned and posted.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Elevators in Commercial area

Elevators in Commercial area

These elevators have always felt unstable and look like trash.  Now they are not working.  All those with vehicles in the parking garage must walk up and down.  Of course, Unit Owners, members of Soho Central Condominium Corporation (SCCC), hear little and witness much less since all Board meetings are conducted in private & secret.  We only get some significant information once a year at the Annual Meeting which is another yearly disaster.

What I have heard through the rumor mill since openness is not practiced by those in unelected positions is that there is some sort of dislike and argument between Directors which would also includes residential versus commercial.  It seems one wants the other to pay in full or part or some other dispute in the hidden debates.  Well, see my previous writings about who pays dues.

The elevators in the residential area have not been turned over, I believe, to the SCCC.  While they have not been turned over, Unit Owners have paid for their units and the building which includes the elevators.  So do not be fooled to think that you do not have a vested interest in this disaster.

Going back to the commercial area elevators, I do not know who controls these or if they were turned over.  Perhaps we will learn something in some silly report after the unelected read this as they sometimes react and even write about matters after we and others have done so.

All factions on the Board of Directors must be reminded that the Board in the past had reduced the monthly dues paid by the commercial floors from 65 pesos to 41 pesos and finally to 26.5 pesos per square meter.  Residential areas pay 65 pesos.  I had asked many times from those knowledgeable about such matters in the Philippines if this was normal for commercial versus residential and they said NO.

The dues are not association dues as some say.  The dues we pay go to Soho Central Condominium Corporation.  Unit Owners are members of the SCCC and the Board of Directors has three seats reserved for residential and three seats reserved for commercial with another seat not reserved for either.

The filthiness as I have written previously seems to be following what Bel-Air Soho in Makati experienced while being controlled by the unelected.

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