Plan, plan and plan some more

QUESTION: Is Stonewall Central a better name for the property?
UPDATE (click): 2012 Audited Financial Statements
UPDATE (click): 2013 Annual Meeting packet
UPDATE (click): 2013 Special Meeting packet

AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ANALYSIS 2009-2012 (click): A CPA analysis of SOHO Central Condominium Corporation's Audited Financial Statements

The Fantasy Vision

Does everyone remember this among the wonderful ads and brochures and how about the salespeople and what they told us. I hear such fantasies continue. So after watching and remembering, cry and then laugh at the truth that is being exposed.

And, if the above is not enough and you need elevated blood pressure, here is the project's brochure.

Many posts are still issues and need to be read once again. At this main hub of postings watch for new posts and updates. Please get involved by spreading the word as to the issues here. We must document all that is taking place. Many documents need retrieval and assistance is needed in getting them scanned and posted.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

News Tidbits

News Tidbits

Some of these items were brought to my attention one month ago so perhaps others would have some additional information.

LED - On the 27th floor LED bulbs were installed as an experiment.  But who are the suppliers?  What companies made bids?  What are the specifications for the LEDs?

Why were Unit Owners not told of the experiment?  After all, since they take our ideas and work let us help them with theirs.

The bulbs appear to be the wrong size since they are not flush with the ceiling sitting too high up in the fixtures.  This also causes dark spots on the floor and not a continuous lighting.  There may also be an overheating problem.

We encourage everyone to visit the 27th floor for yourself and judge.

Toilet - I was told a toilet on the 4th floor was locked before the new property manager arrived.  It was used for the special ones in admin.

This also reminds me of what another Unit Owner told me about toilet tissue.  She sees the tissue coming into the building and I believe it is at least partially stored in the gym cabinets.  But as she pointed out, two elderly friends of hers on two different occasions went to the lobby comfort room and there was no toilet tissue.  Money and purchased items going somewhere?

Electric meters - Are the meters smart meters?  I believe they are.  Someone had looked at their readings when the reader was here as I was told and the numbers seemed to have changed.  Are we paying for electric when all the power is off?  This from what I was told takes place at other buildings.

Water meters - Since the individual water meters are not from Manila Water, who calibrates them?  How do we know the readings are correct?

In regards to these meter questions, while there are financial audits as a common practice everywhere whether or not the audit is a true reflection, are there audits on power and water meters here, too?

Soho Central signs - The lights are once again off on the signs.  This was a much talked about problem in the past as to easy identification for those driving here on their own or by taxi.  Seems so much has been left undone or never done that such issues take a back seat as so much else.

Big Gun - I have written about the Big Gun and it now comes and goes.  When watching the Big Gun at night I saw what I thought was its only obvious purpose other than that I have been told about.  The Big Gun on two occasions told young boys to go away when they were scavenging for plastics in the ashtray/garbage cans.  The few pesos they could make gone for the want of a Big Gun for purposes never declared.

Ryan had seen the other purpose for the Big Gun which was to guard furniture dropped off after the delivery truck left.

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