Welcome to Oz (Condo or Prison?)
(original web post 02/04/13): Yes, a new entity has been established under the developer imposed Master Deed and By-Laws with members of the Directors of the Board who are Unit Owners who have never been elected. These Unelected Unit Owners have now been appointed to a Residential Areas Commitee by the developer controlled board.
Do not let the name or any writing give the impression that we have somehow voted for them at some point in time. Unit Owners never voted in an election for these individuals. I want to make it as clear as possible that I have no respect for them. In fact, they disgust me.
As I read this circular as I have read a recent email sent by this committee and past messages from the "Steering Committee", Ryan and I as well as other see concerns and work written about that we have engaged. I suppose the saying imitation is the sincerest form of flattery is in order, BUT, it would be nice to be given credit.
In the following recording you will hear as an introduction a couple of the committee members and how we as Unit Unit Owners are treated.
The full audio can be found here: http://youtu.be/UCPGudoU2MY or here http://soundcloud.com/sohocentral/soho-central-agm-2012
My comments follow the images below. Once again, those living abroad may not be aware of the condition of the building and what has been taking place. Please tell others about this forum since many still do not know about those of us looking for positive change and increased value for our property.

Yes, the fire code was being violated but for how long? Nothing was done about the mismanagement and a developer controlled board remained silent. It was Ryan and I who explained quite clearly to the previous property manager that Soho Central only has two primary fire stairwells and that the notices in the elevator lobbies on each floor are not appropriately labeled. Again, nothing was done. We even brought this up at the fire lecture last year. Oh, we also did not have a fire drill last year as I have written about in a previous message.
Again, Ryan and I as well as other residents have discussed the wet elevator problem. But this as much else being written about by the Board and this committee give the appearance as if they and not us have been the only ones discussing the issue looking for solutions such as instructing via memos. But, what the residents have seen were worthless memos and no action by the Board until now. Perhaps the rising frustration with the mismanagement is causing some words to be written.
The last poorly constructed paragraph above again addresses issues that are not new. But, this seeming effort to make as if they have discovered something we have not discussed and demanded action on is distressing. The Board and management were aware of the dust and dirt being swept into the halls with complaints being made and even pictures taken. The problem continued.
The intercom is a problem I wrote about long ago. I even wrote to the distributor and the maker since no one seemed to know what to do in the building. The intercom is basically garbage.
As for the garbage being thrown off balconies and landing on other balconies, the ground and pool area, NOTHING NEW. I had packaged the garbage on ours bringing it to the concierge and management office. Some efforts I believe were made. BUT NO EDUCATION PROCESS WAS INITIATED BY THE BOARD AND MANAGEMENT!
As for the plastic holders in the elevators, there should be proper bulletin boards in the lobby. The only notices in the elevators should be the inspection notices. Have the elevators been inspected and where are the inspection notices?

I see the use of "our" but I do not know if this refers to our meaning theirs or our meaning all Unit Owners. Unit Owners did not elect these individuals and our, Unit Owners, voices have not been heard on a regular basis at open meetings to voice our concerns. The current developer imposed rules and regulations along with the Master Deed and By-Laws are available via these links:
These documents were not easy to get and required written letters of requests with delays of course. As Armando Ang author of the Guide to Homeownership wrote in an article I had posted, they do not want us to have the documents to condominiums. In fact, they are not pleased that I post what I have gotten. After all, why would they want Unit Owners living here and abroad to have access.
Please see this video and wait for the 38 second mark and you will understand where they got the idea to write their declaration ("By virtue...") upon us the Unit Owners. Of course, the Wizard of Oz was looking to do good with understanding and teaching first. I had explained to the former property manager my plan to develop postings explaining what to do but she wanted me to show them first. So now we have a few people imposing punitive fines and other threats. What is the ultimate plan?
I had thought I was the only one but others ask what is the definition of perishable (wet) and non-perishable (dry)? Also, which can is for the recycled materials and this needs defintion, too. Since there is a growing authoritarian order being placed upon us with OUR MONEY, we need to know many more details so the long arm of the law of the new order does not descend upon us all.
The throwing of garbage off balconies was a known problem and reported by many since balconies were and still are garbage cans for some. While some action was taken there was not enough and this new written effort is way too late. Dirt and dust being swept and dumped in the hallways and stairwells was aso known with notes taken as well as photos. But, the actions continued for some reason. Was there any follow-up of the various reports? Again, this written action is too late.

Of course there were other statements in this that I have not identified but were also being worked on by others such as Ryan and I. As in the past with the "Steering Committee" people noticed then and they are making note now. Will this grab for power continue in the wrong direction?
On page 3 in number three a very odd statement for me is made that signing in on the sheets for the pool will waive all responsibility. Is this true? Why would anyone sign if they give up all rights to pursue legal action for some fault of the listed entities? It would seem that a better maintained pool area is the key. Is there something the developers did not do? Oh, I forgot, they are on the Board and would not admit some fault and the law firm approved by the Board has links with the developer.
What has been happening with the those at the pool and what they are wearing? Define proper attire? Number four also makes security guards of Directors a part of the Residential Areas Committee and accounting clerks in the management office.
While I can understand the need to keep the pool area from being too congested, how were the numbers developed for the size of the unit? Again, much is planned in secret and private meetings with Unit Owners prohibited.
As will seemingly be the case with all the new and revamped rules, more fines are imposed by the new order.

The developer controlled Board has now created a new level of courts for the Philippines if I read this correctly. Is this new level of courts exempt from suits of defamation if the charge from this new court which is prosecutor, judge and jury is found to be false and improperly sought and applied? Does the last sentence border or cross the line of extortion?
Please note that Unit Owners never voted for these committee members who do not put the title Director after their names. One does place a title of attorney before their name but they are not a lawyer for our building. Unit Owners have not voted for Directors of the Board. OUR MONEY is being used and spent with decisions made in secret and private meetings.
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